Resting Bitch Face pdx
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DIAMonds were a girls best friend

Then we found botox

 I believe in high quality & professional facial treatments, that are guaranteed to make you look and feel refreshed. Working as a critical care nurse since 2008, I am knowledgeable of our skins anatomy beyond the needle. I work hard to help you achieve the results you are looking for.





I respect your health and safety and ask you do the same for our staff. If you are experiencing any flu like symptoms or have recently been exposed to Covid-19 please reschedule your appointment. We require face coverings before and after your appointment & will take your temperature upon arrival. If you do not bring your face covering or have a temp you will be asked to reschedule as well. Thank you for helping us all stay safe during these unprecedented times. Click here to learn more.



Located inside @takeitoffpdx - ‘Alt Spa’

1007 E Burnside St.

Portland, OR 97214

*Contact to discuss private scheduling